On October 2, 2018, I was invited by the Indian Mission to make some remarks at the United Nation’s International Day of Nonviolence meeting. It happened to be Gandhi’s 149th birthday. Here is my speech: I am so pleased and honored to be sharing with you this opportunity to honor and celebrate this 149th charkha… read more
Tag Archives: United Nations
Press Release: Metta Center at the UN

Metta Center Named a Special Consult to the United Nations Petaluma nonprofit granted status with the world body PETALUMA, CA, May 10, 2017 – The late peace researcher Kenneth Boulding once articulated a tongue-in-cheek theory called “Boulding’s First Law.” It states that if something can happen anywhere, then it is possible everywhere. As far as… read more
“Another meeting?”–Daily Metta
September 28: “History gives not a single example of Swaraj won by holding meetings.” –Gandhi (Day to Day with Gandhi, vol. 4, p. 166) Wow, even Gandhi did not love endless meetings. Not surprising actually–he emphasized that the only way to win Independence was through action; through, in his words, “blood and sweat.” He was… read more
A Week in Kos: Pathways to Peace

If you’ve regularly been following news about asylum-seeking refugees, you’ve likely heard about the Greek island Kos, a major passageway into Europe for people fleeing war-ravaged places like Syria and Afghanistan. I’ve just spent a week in Kos—my partner is producing refugee stories for a Dutch public broadcaster (we parted ways in Kos; he’s… read more
“Frans de Waal and Animal Behavior”–Podcast
We cite his work all of the time at Metta, and this week we were honored to have the distinguished ethologist, biologist, Prof. Frans de Waal join our show to discuss some of his really fascinating research into animal behavior, specifically around reconciliation, conflict resolution, empathy, rituals…and even death! A very enjoyable discussion. His interview… read more
Michael Nagler speaks at UN-Podcast
If you had ten minutes to stand before the United Nations to talk about the role of the media in building a peaceful world, how would you begin? What would you say? What concrete recommendations would you make? Well, our very own Michael Nagler was there on September 9, 2015 to speak at the High… read more
Communicating & Acting for Peace: Newsletter

Giving Peace a Chance We’ve seen a lot of positive images in the media as of late: people opening their hearts (and their homes!) to refugees, banding together and doing what they can to help others fleeing war and persecution. Read the September 9, 2015 newsletter. Subscribe to our newsletter.… read more
Michael Nagler to Speak at United Nations

UN Forum on The Culture of Peace to Include the Role of Media Noted peace scholar Michael Nagler to serve as panelist Petaluma, CA, September 7, 2015 – Read the headlines on any given day, and it’s easy to assume that people are driven by conflict and greed. But are we getting the whole—or even… read more
Toward a Culture of Peace: Newsletter

The Role of Media in Nonviolence Extra! Extra! On September 9, Michael Nagler will be speaking at the High-Level Forum on a Culture of Peace at the United Nations. He’ll talk about the role media can and should play in creating a nonviolent culture. He was invited by Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhry of Bangladesh, who saw… read more