Posts by Metta Center

Begin everywhere: gender and peace studies

By Janet Gray Gender and peace studies: where do I even begin? Begin anywhere. Everywhere. Begin where you are. Find out where others are. Begin again. Anywhere—everywhere—where you are is a very particular place, with its own blind spots and resources, audiences and intentions, boxes and breezeways, roadblocks and visions. I’ll start where I was… read more

Michael Nagler address to 2014 FOR Seabeck Conference

We are grateful for the Fellowship of Reconciliation who just sent us this link to Michael Nagler’s keynote at their annual Seabeck conference.   “We are living in the wrong story,” says Michael Nagler, founder & director of the Metta Center for Nonviolence, during his keynote address to this year’s 56th annual FOR Seabeck conference in Washington State earlier… read more

On Gender and Peace Studies: Where Are We?

by Prof. Laura Ng, University of North Georgia Where are we? This was one of my favorite questions when I was a kid–on road trips, school trips, or even going to run errands, I always wanted to know. Now that I am adult, I still find it to be one of the better questions to… read more

Humor but not humiliation: finding the sweet spot in nonviolent conflict resolution

By:  Michael Nagler  and  Karen Ridd Humor is a time-honored strategy in the repertoire of nonviolence, but we must learn to use it properly. Poke fun at the problem not the person. Credit: All rights reserved. Five or six men stood over me yelling as I sat in a chair at the Ministry of the… read more

Building a Movement of Peace Teams: training coming to a city near you

  By Jessica Anderson, the Metta Center for Nonviolence Note: If you are interested in getting trained the skills and strategies for building a national movement of local peace teams, we have good news. MPT Is going to be going on a nationwide tour to do just that. You can find out more about where… read more

The Nonviolent Principles of Nature

[FROM CAL PEACE POWER MAGAZINE: VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, SPRING 2007) The Nonviolent Principles of Nature By Scott Riley Printable Version: Download as PDF   Click to Enlarge   The dominant human culture is currently organized around a “realist” worldview. This paradigm describes the universe as a collection of disconnected entities that share nothing intrinsically in common.… read more

Nonviolence: Does Gender Matter?

  [from CAL PEACE POWER: VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2 2006) Nonviolence: Does Gender Matter? Carol Flinders Printable Version: Download as PDF   Click to enlarge Fannie Lou Hamer and Ella Baker oil on linen, 36” x 48” • Copyright Simmie Knox,    Thinking, as I’ve been asked to do, about women and nonviolence, I found myself wondering what… read more

Media Fellowships

The Metta Center invites journalist to apply for its first round of Media Fellowships. The primary goal of this fellowship is to facilitate a deeper understanding of issues related to nonviolence and tell stories about nonviolence in action. Three fellows will be given travel stipends for reporting. Eligibility Criteria: The Fellowship is open to all… read more