Gender Eyes: Looking at the Gender Factor in Building a Nonviolent Alternative

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For My Nephew: A New Kind of History

Photo of Gandhi at the Salt March

In this blog-series accompanying our project of updating the Peace and Conflict Studies lectures (we call it PACS 164-c), Kimberlyn David reviews some of the key material of the course from a personal lens in an effort to generate personal reflection and the application of course content. Comment boxes are open below! * * *… read more

Nonviolent Dissent and Accompaniment

A Prerequisite to a World Beyond War: Nonviolent Dissent and Accompaniment In this talk recorded on September 27, 2014 in Petaluma, California, activist, author and peace journalist Kathy Kelly discusses the everyday realities of living with war and encourages us to use these stories to think more critically–and nonviolently– about security, safety and justice.  … read more

Pots and Pans Clang in Chile’s Night

By Mercedes Mack “At eight o’clock that evening, however, the city came to sudden life. In one neighborhood after another, a faint metallic clanking began, rising to a crescendo as people began to beat on pots and pans… May 11 was an explosion of joy and excitement, because people were so amazed that they were… read more

What kind of growth?

In this blog-series accompanying our project of updating the Peace and Conflict Studies lectures (we call it PACS 164-c), Kimberlyn David reviews some of the key material of the course from a personal lens in an effort to generate personal reflection and the application of course content. There’s growth that increases stock prices, fosters consumerism,… read more

Begin Everywhere: A Sketch of the Territory

by Janet Gray The institutional locations of peace studies programs vary widely in ways that shape how the practitioners in any particular location construct the mission and goals of their program, define what constitutes a comprehensive approach to the field for their site, and ease or constrain the program’s capacity for integrating women and gender… read more

Begin everywhere: gender and peace studies

By Janet Gray Gender and peace studies: where do I even begin? Begin anywhere. Everywhere. Begin where you are. Find out where others are. Begin again. Anywhere—everywhere—where you are is a very particular place, with its own blind spots and resources, audiences and intentions, boxes and breezeways, roadblocks and visions. I’ll start where I was… read more

Art, Feminism and Nonviolence

Got to love the Guerrilla Girls… But wait! Did you know that the Brooklyn Museum has a wing of feminist art? The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art is an exhibition and education environment dedicated to feminist art—its past, present, and future. Among the most ambitious, influential, and enduring artistic movements to emerge in… read more

On Gender and Peace Studies: Where Are We?

by Prof. Laura Ng, University of North Georgia Where are we? This was one of my favorite questions when I was a kid–on road trips, school trips, or even going to run errands, I always wanted to know. Now that I am adult, I still find it to be one of the better questions to… read more