Tag Archives: dignity

Misplaced Pity: Daily Metta

“If I had the power I would stop every sadavrata where free meals are given.” ~ Gandhi, Young India, August 13, 1925 Before we conclude that Gandhi was hard-hearted toward India’s many beggars, consider his reasoning—“It has encouraged laziness, idleness, hypocrisy, and even crime. Such misplaced charity adds nothing to the wealth of the country”—and… read more

High Standards: Daily Metta

“Still the community stood unmoved; only the weaklings slipped away. But even the weaklings had done their best. Let us not despise them.” ~ Gandhi, Satyagraha in South Africa, p. 206 Our Mahatma treads a fine line between demanding the best of everyone around him and compassion for them when they did not rise to… read more

Our Dignity: Daily Metta

“My goal is friendship with the world and I can combine the greatest love with the greatest opposition to wrong.” ~ Gandhi, Mind of Mahatma Gandhi, p. 424 Every human being has dignity. When we teach ourselves to keep this simple idea in mind, friendship with everyone is no longer hyperbole, but a real (and… read more

“Mother Teresa and Gandhiji”–Daily Metta

September 23: “The contrast between the rich and the poor today is a painful sight.” –Gandhi (Harijan, March 31, 1946) Very often, when people associate others with Gandhi, they think of Mother Teresa. But what is it that they have in common? While she was not leading a political or even economic movement, we might… read more

“Transforming a school with dignity”–Daily Metta

September 17: “I refuse to suspect human nature. It will, is bound to, respond to any noble and friendly action.” –Gandhi (Young India, August 4, 1920) When Andrew Bott became the sixth principal in seven years at of one of the worst performing public schools in Massachusetts, he did something crazy: he fired the security… read more

“Dignity in Education”–Daily Metta

September 3: “I hold that, as the largest part of our time is devoted to labour for earning our bread, our children must from their infancy be taught the dignity of such labor.” –Gandhi (Young India, September 1, 1921) Nai Talim, or new education, besides having an emphasis on character-building and local-regional languages, put value… read more

“Labor and Dignity”–Daily Metta

January 16 “This mad rush for wealth must cease, and the laborer must be assured, not only of a living wage, but a daily task that is not a mere drudgery.” -Gandhi (Harijan, 11-2-1934) The Sanskrit term svadharma is integral to the vision of a nonviolent world. The concept means that everyone has her or… read more