Experiments in Nonviolence

Nonviolence Manual In Burmese

Myanmar has been a recurring scene of repression and resistance, and today’s resistance is probably more organized, more courageous — and more costly than ever. This little booklet is offered in the spirit of solidarity and support to the people standing up to the military in the face of severe repression. It contains basics about… read more

On the EL Train, Chicago

Greetings Metta friends! I just wanted to share a “nonviolent moment” from my hometown of Chicago yesterday. Nonviolence ideas inspired by Metta have helped me peacefully stop 3 physical fights in public places of Chicago in recent years. Yet this latest incident was especially uplifting. Though verbal rather than physical, it had a great moment… read more

NV Radio: Shashi Tyagi and NV News

We’re joined by Shashi Tyagi, internationally recognized rural development leader in Rajastan, India and founder of GRAVIS International. She shares stories of life as a student of Gandhi’s disciple, Vinoba Bhave, with an emphasis on her nonviolent practice in communities where she works. Plus our important segment: Nonviolence in the News with Michael Nagler, reviewing key nonviolent… read more

Acknowledging History

The following post was contributed by Adam Nolan, a participant in our current Certificate in Nonviolence Studies course. I have a few thoughts and things I have been grappling with for some time. It is striking to me that with each killing of an unarmed black man by police there is a renewed sense of… read more

Restorative Practices in Schools

Numerous schools have found that when they use zero-tolerance and exclusionary discipline practices, students miss vital instruction time, develop greater disconnection from school, and engage in detrimental behavior. Restorative practices (RPS) emerged to address discipline in a way that keeps students engaged in learning by reinforcing problem-solving skills, managing emotions, building relationships, and changing the… read more

Introducing… Mercedes Mack

As an intern at Metta Center, Mercedes Mack supports our mission in a variety of ways: she writes insightful, context-filled posts for our History blog; provides event and administrative assistance; contributes research and project ideas. She juggles quite a lot (and we’re incredibly grateful for her capacity to do so!). Mercedes is currently working on… read more

Building the Peace Army: Research and Practice

“Armed peacekeepers are 12 times more likely to be killed in the line of duty than unarmed peacekeepers.” –Randy Janzen sharing some of his research on unarmed peacekeeping on this show… In today’s show we go into the concept of unarmed peacekeeping and its expression of building a “peace army” or “shanti sena” through nonviolence skills… read more

Mexican Activist Pietro Ameglio & More – Podcast

Photo: A mother holding up a sheet with the missing students’ photos.  In this episode of Peace Paradigm Radio you will hear an inspiring piece on nonviolent direct action and interfaith organizing from Ken Butigan of Pace e Bene and Campaign Nonviolence. You will meet Mercedes Mack, Metta intern, writer and researcher on the history of… read more