Mission: Harmony 3 Gameplay Tips Quick Start Game Intro Playing the Game Playing the Game – 2 Mission Conclusion Wisdom Cards Principle 1 Principle 2 Principle 3 Principle 4 Principle 5 Principle 6 Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Strategy 5 Lecture 01 Lecture 02 Mission Brief Intro Mission Brief #1 Mission Brief… read more
A New Story for Changing Times: Newsletter

There are things we can’t change, but there’s always something within that framework that we can. The severe deterioration of our democratic institutions seems to have an implacable momentum, leading us to the kind of seismic cultural change known as “paradigm shift.” That we can do little about. But what we can do—and the Metta… read more
A Story + A Request for Help

Dear friends, After three intense hours at a rally for white supremacy in Gainesville, Florida, three simple words “I don’t know” rang out with power. Aaron Courtney, who is black, stood across the lines from Randy Fourniss, whose attitude was proclaimed by the swastikas on his body and clothing. For three hours Courtney stayed with… read more
Celebrating Nonviolence: January 20 & Beyond

January 20, 2017 is Michael Nagler’s 80th birthday. It is also the inauguration date for the 45th president of the United States.… read more
Dimensions of Organizing: Newsletter – copy
We are all mighty drops of power. Michael Nagler opens our latest newsletter with some thoughts about the state of nonviolence history, along with reflections on Campaign Nonviolence’s National Conference in Santa Fe, NM. Plus, we share some inspirations on movement-building and power-sharing. Read the August 12, 2015 newsletter. Subscribe to our newsletter.… read more
Dimensions of Organizing: Newsletter – copy
We are all mighty drops of power. Michael Nagler opens our latest newsletter with some thoughts about the state of nonviolence history, along with reflections on Campaign Nonviolence’s National Conference in Santa Fe, NM. Plus, we share some inspirations on movement-building and power-sharing. Read the August 12, 2015 newsletter. Subscribe to our newsletter.… read more
The Truth of Nonviolence

To loosely paraphrase Gandhi, each of us holds a snippet of Truth. And yet we must also recognize how our loving truths can be distorted in a system that wildly benefits from much untruth. While corporate media are both beneficiaries and producers of mass untruth, none of us is powerless—our voices of nonviolence ring genuine… read more
Nonviolence versus Gun Violence
In this video, Professor Nagler discusses the power of nonviolence as an antidote to the rampant epidemic of gun violence currently being experienced in U.S. culture. Please comment below and we look forward to hearing from you.… read more
Satyagraha victory in India
We are glad to announce that the first round of the Jan Satyagraha (‘People’s Satyagraha’) march of thousands of landless Indian farmers heading for Delhi has achieved its goal: a promise from Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh to institute land reform. Read the full story here.… read more
The Violence Within–by Utah Phillips
In this short piece, Utah Phillips makes the case for the need of accountability in war, and the need to connect across the lines that keep the ‘peace movement’ and the ‘war support movement’ separated. … read more