Dr. David Ragland is co-founder of the Truth Telling Project, an initiative based in Ferguson, Missouri that aims to transform structural violence and racism through the adaptation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) model. While most models of the TRC happen after the violence has ended, the question posed by the creators of the… read more
Tag Archives: ferguson
Black Lives Matter & Police Accountability

The killing of yet another unarmed black person by a white police officer is not being dismissed by local authorities as inconsequential this time around. Perhaps because stark evidence left them in a no-choice situation: The shooting of South Carolina resident Walter Scott by Michael Slager was captured on video, by a passerby who recorded… read more
A Call to Militant Empathy
You are Not My Enemy. Violence is My Enemy. A Call to Militant Empathy by Peijman Kouretchian (Photo by Mica Stumpf) The streets look like war. Two NYPD police officers were just “assassinated” apparently as revenge for the Eric Garner chokehold death. This is the first major physical attack on actual police officers… read more
Beyond Ferguson: the Deeper Issue
Michael Nagler’s op-ed as seen here first appeared at HuntingtonNews.net on December 4, 2014. You may also want to read The Shanti Sena Network’s response to Ferguson we posted last week. It can only be a good thing that the attention of the nation is focused on the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson,… read more
Ferguson Statement- Shanti Sena Network
Response to Ferguson from the Shanti Sena Network: Whether or not you believe that Darren Wilson is guilty, no one can deny that trust in the American police force is really low. This trust is especially low in communities of color and low income communities. A list of demands from Ferguson protestors included: a plan… read more
Ferguson: this is what losing democracy looks like
(orig. posted in Tikkun online) by: Michael N. Nagler on August 21st, 2014 Some time back in the early fifties the U.S. Navy conducted an “exercise” to test bacterial warfare…in San Francisco! They sprayed bacterial agents into the fog over the Bay to “see what would happen.” Sure enough, some people got sick, and one elderly gentleman died. … read more