Today marks the 151st anniversary of Gandhi’s birth (Oct. 2, 1869) — and a crisis in American and world democracy such as I, for one, never dreamed I would witness in my by-now long lifetime. For some time now, it has seemed that these two forces, the downward drive into chaos and violence and the… read more
Tag Archives: gandhi
Gandhi vs. Coronavirus

Plagues and illnesses played a significant role in Gandhi's life. Here's how some leading scholars — including his grandson — think he might have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. … read more
Barbara Deming: Her Message Today.

Who was Barbara Deming and why do we need her wisdom today? … read more
Re-organizing the future

In "Gandhi the Organiser," author Bob Overy offers an excellent in-depth study of the critical phase in India's freedom struggle that saw Gandhi become a national leader. … read more
Planet Earth: Too Big To Fail
After centuries of neglect, we are now seeing a lot of useful writing about “the most powerful force at the disposal of humanity” as Gandhi called nonviolence.… read more
Conflict and Nonviolence in Kashmir

While on a visit to New Delhi, India, Michael Nagler, founder of the Metta Center and Co-host of Nonviolence Radio, met up with Gandhian activist Rajiv Vora and Niyati Bhat to discuss the principles and trials of nonviolence in Kashmir.… read more
Essential Gandhi & the Nonviolence Report

Check out our latest episode of Nonviolence Radio!… read more
My remarks at the UN
On October 2, 2018, I was invited by the Indian Mission to make some remarks at the United Nation’s International Day of Nonviolence meeting. It happened to be Gandhi’s 149th birthday. Here is my speech: I am so pleased and honored to be sharing with you this opportunity to honor and celebrate this 149th charkha… read more
“Gandhi and Environmental Movement”
After reading Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj (Indian Home Rule), Raghav Kaushik was inspired to reflect critically on Gandhi’s views for potential pitfalls and insights for enviornmental movements. He invites us to join him in his critical anaylsis of systemic transformation. Listen below or subscribe to us on iTunes. Play in new window |… read more
Cultural Narrative: Daily Metta
“I address this appeal to you in the hope that our movement may even lead you. . . in the right direction, and deflect you from the course which is bound to end in your moral ruin in the reduction of human beings to robots.” ~ Gandhi, London Tribune, October 23, 1942 In our age,… read more