Tag Archives: nai talim

“Teaching in Gandhi’s Schools”–Daily Metta

September 8: “The teacher of Nai Talim will be a craftsman educationist, not merely one for the sake of his pay.” –Gandhi (Harijan, November 9, 1947) What about teaching in one of Gandhi’s ideal schools? What would one need to know or do? It almost goes without saying that we can be sure of the… read more

“Starting with nonviolence”–Daily Metta

September 7: “All of our problems have to be solved nonviolently.” –Gandhi (Harijan, April 30, 1938) Almost as an afterthought, but no less powerful for that, Gandhi points out that the schools of his conception, Nai Talim, would, not surprisingly, teach nonviolence to its pupils. As seriously as the schools of Mussolini and Hitler took violence as… read more

“The value of an education”–Daily Metta

September 5: “It is not literacy or learning which makes a [man], but education for real life.” –Gandhi (Harijan, February 2, 1947) Education has undergone a dramatic shift in recent decades. Where it once served to expand the mind, it has become a tool to expand the wallet and the ego. An education seems to… read more

“Taklis and the Art of Education”–Daily Metta

September 4: “The principle idea is to impart the whole education of the body and mind and the soul through the handicraft that is taught to the children.” –Gandhi (Harijan, June, 11, 1938)   The takli is a little handheld spindle that has ancient origins. It is not quite what is known as a ‘drop… read more

“Dignity in Education”–Daily Metta

September 3: “I hold that, as the largest part of our time is devoted to labour for earning our bread, our children must from their infancy be taught the dignity of such labor.” –Gandhi (Young India, September 1, 1921) Nai Talim, or new education, besides having an emphasis on character-building and local-regional languages, put value… read more

“Primary education–a first glance”–Daily Metta

September 1: “The foundation that Macaulay laid of education has enslaved us.” –Gandhi (Hind Swaraj, Chapter 18)   Thomas Babington Macaulay went to India on what was in his eyes, a “civilizing mission” to reform their system of education to create a class of civil servants for the British Raj. For him it may have… read more

“Love, like nonviolence. . .”–Daily Metta

July 14: “Love never claims, it ever gives. Love ever suffers, never resents, never revenges itself.” –Gandhi (Satyagraha in South Africa) Gandhi was familiar with the tenets and writings of Christianity at an early stage in his personal and spiritual development. He took up its study with an open heart to grasp the teachings of… read more

“Education of the Heart”–Daily Metta

January 22 “I do not believe that an education of the heart can be imparted through books. It can only be done through the living touch of the teacher.” –M.K. Gandhi (Young India, September 1, 1921) A nonviolent education requires the integral development of the whole person. Gandhi’s vision of a new education or “nai… read more

Gandhi, Montessori and Nonviolence in Early Childhood

“The study of love and its utilization will lead us to the source from which it springs, The Child.”   “Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.” –Maria Montessori “It is perfectly true, I must admit it in all humility, that however indifferently it… read more

The “Real Wheel”

That man came back from South Africa, having realized God, and quietly set about solving every problem in the modern world. When Michael Nagler heard this quiet, dramatic statement by his meditation teacher, Sri Eknath Easwaran of the Blue Mt. Center of Meditation, it changed his life. These two pictures are an attempt to illustrate… read more