Were you part of a climate action? Daniel Hunter wrote a manual on climate resistance for 350.org to help strategize for what's next.… read more
Were you part of a climate action? Daniel Hunter wrote a manual on climate resistance for 350.org to help strategize for what's next.… read more
There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about. ~Meg Wheatley Building community is more than getting to know our neighbors–it is about building our power together to be a force for security, safety, care, and healing transformation when necessary, as well as learning how to work with those with whom… read more
This post is the second part of a two-part series. Part 1 looks at the outward aspects of strategy: creating a proactive, long-term nonviolent movement. This part turns to the inner aspects of strategy: exploring who we are as human beings and building meaningful lives. Man appears to be the embodiment of want. Want is… read more
This first post looks at the outward aspects of strategy: creating a proactive, long-term nonviolent movement. The second part considers the inner aspects of strategy: exploring who we are as human beings and building meaningful lives. It has been heartwarming to see the passion with which many Americans have said their “No!” to the policies… read more
In this video, Michael Nagler explains the key nonviolent concept called “constructive program” and contextualizes restorative justice within the framework of a workable constructive program strategy. Please add your comments below. About Daily Metta Stephanie Van Hook, the Metta Center’s executive director, launched Daily Metta in 2015 as a way to share Gandhi’s spiritual wisdom… read more
“The clearest possible definition of the goal and its appreciation would fail to take us there if we do not know and utilize the means of achieving it.” ~ Gandhi, “Amrita Bazar Patrika,” September 17, 1933 From a strategist’s perspective, Gandhi emphasizes that “how” we achieve our goals needs to be as clear as “what”… read more
In our first Daily Metta video, Michael Nagler tells a story from the life of David Hartsough and gives us insight into how nonviolence worked itself out in this situation. He then goes on to make the case for nonviolence as a way of life. Find out why. In this next video, he discusses the… read more
November 25: “My philosophy, if I can be said to have any, excludes the possibility of harm to one’s cause by outside agencies.” –Gandhi (Harijan, July 25, 1936) Whenever he talks about the full power of nonviolence, Gandhi is sure to tell us that the first observance we must acknowledge is, the cause must be… read more
November 11: “Birth and death are not two different states, but they are different aspects of the same state.” –Gandhi (Young India, August 4, 1927) There is a bridge outside of Delhi with these words inscribed upon it: This is a Bridge. This is a Bridge. Do not make your home on it. In other… read more
November 1: “We often make terrible mistakes by copying bad examples.” –Gandhi (Young India, February 16, 1921) There, he said it and I’m glad. People, especially if they’re new to activism, have a tendency to copy tactics that they see others have used, but it’s harder to look beneath those tactics to the strategy they… read more