Gender Eyes: Looking at the Gender Factor in Building a Nonviolent Alternative

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“Bravery is not a man’s monopoly”–Daily Metta

March 8: “Bravery is not man’s monopoly.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 1-5-1947, p. 478)   As the world’s consciousness evolves to understand that all human beings, regardless of sex, are human beings, thus worthy of dignity, equality, economic justice, respect, and so on, it is the realm of nonviolent action that portrays this reality most effectively. Nonviolence… read more

Alice Paul: Not Just a Radical

Who really was Alice Paul? This is the question that Zoe Nicholson, satyagrahi, feminist, scholar, and lifelong activist, spent over forty years researching and synthesizing to realize the woman from the sensationalized myth of a woman we have been taught about in school or that has been depicted in film. Through her research Nicholson found… read more

As Heard on PPR: Albanian Blood Feuds

As mentioned by Michael Nagler in “Nonviolence in the News” section on January 23, 2015 episode of Peace Paradigm Radio (PPR), The Art of Nonviolence, Operazione Colomba (Operation Dove) is a project by the Pope John Paul XXIII community to promote nonviolence, peacekeeping, and peace-building in conflict zones. Currently, Operative Dove is operating in several… read more

Women of the Civil Rights Movement

Take a moment and think of some notable American female leaders… Probably Alice Paul, Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Blackwell, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Golda Meir are a few women that immediately come to mind. Now take a moment and think of female leaders of the Civil Rights Movement… Probably Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King, Diane Nash, Daisy… read more

A Family Effort in the Empire Zinc Corporation Miner’s Strike.

By: Mercedes Mack A scene from Salt of the Earth. On October 17, 1950, in Hanover, New Mexico, workers at the Empire Zinc mine finished their shifts, formed a picket line, and began a fifteen-month strike after attempts at union negotiation with the company reached an impasse. Miner demands included: equal pay to their White… read more

Turning Fear into Power

This article was originally posted on on October 14, 2014. Linda Sartor standing on a Soviet tank outside of Kabul, Afghanistan. (WNV / Peggy Gish)   Linda Sartor is not afraid to die. Dedicated to nonviolence, she spent 10 years after September 11, 2001 traveling to conflict zones throughout the world as an unarmed… read more

You were made for this

Need some inspiration to awaken your heart? Check out this amazing piece by poet Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Women Who Run with the Wolves. “My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs… read more

Peace Profile: Malala, a Heroine Resurrected

by: Pallavi Vishwanath   Video: Malala Day video tells the #StrongerThan story through children’s voices  Many people in history have been met by violence due to their courage.  Not many, though, are 15. And only one received the Nobel Prize for Peace two years later!  Malala Yousafazai is not your typical teenage girl. She hails from… read more