In this video, Michael Nagler explains the key nonviolent concept called “constructive program” and contextualizes restorative justice within the framework of a workable constructive program strategy. Please add your comments below. About Daily Metta Stephanie Van Hook, the Metta Center’s executive director, launched Daily Metta in 2015 as a way to share Gandhi’s spiritual wisdom… read more
Tag Archives: constructive program
Decentralization: Daily Metta
“Khadi mentality means decentralization of the production and distribution of the necessities of life.” ~ Gandhi, Mind of Mahatma Gandhi, p. 406 Once again we see how khadi (cotton spinning) was iconic for the entire program of economic uplift for India—and her freedom. Imagine the freedom and security it would bring us, or anyone, if… read more
Silent Revolution: Daily Metta
“Obedience to the law of bread labour will bring about a silent revolution in the structure of society.” ~ Gandhi, Mahatma, 4.36 A “silent revolution” of this kind exemplifies the power of Constructive Programme. Why did Gandhi place so much hope in this one of its 18 projects? Because it would reground the economy in… read more
Making Nonviolent Energy WORK: Daily Metta WEEKEND Videos
Nonviolence, from a scientific standpoint, can be understood as a type of energy. How do we recognize and harness this energy? To what effect? Michael Nagler explores these ideas.… read more
“Thoughts on Freedom”–Daily Metta
December 10: “In placing civil disobedience before constructive work I was wrong and I did not profit by the Himalayan blunder that I had committed.” –Gandhi (Harijan, July 21, 1940) Freedom is a powerful word. Everyone responds to it on some level. So, whenever we talk about freedom, we have to be clear whether we… read more
Exploring Gandhi’s Nai Talim

The following post is the second one based on my talk at the India Center in Charleston, WV for Gandhi Day 2015. Please read Part 1 here. What can we learn from Gandhi’s ideas about Nai Talim (new education) and how can we apply them to our context now? How can (must) education be a… read more
“Everyone a newspaper”–Daily Metta
November 27: “Let everyone become his walking newspaper and carry the good news from mouth to mouth.” –Gandhi (Mahatma, vol. 6, p. 2) As the British rallied popular opinion, funds and other support for its war efforts in the 1940s, they tried to downplay the resistance efforts within India. This included censoring the press–not allowing… read more
“When care is revolutionary”–Daily Metta
November 10: “An owner never spoils his property.” –Gandhi (Young India, August 4, 1927) Gandhi, talking to mill workers in 1927, wanted them to understand their power. Without labor, he insisted, there would be no product. He tells them, “When you know that the mill is as much yours as the mill-owners’, you will never… read more
“Happy Birthday, Gandhiji!”–Daily Metta
October 2: “The power of nonviolent resistance can only come from honest working of the constructive programme.” –Gandhi (Mahatma, vol. 5) How do you say ‘happy birthday’ to a Mahatma? Not with an elaborate meal, of course. Not with a sugary cake and candles. Beer and wine are out. And no, not even with flowers,… read more
“Cleaning latrines”–Daily Metta
August 16: “Let me not be misunderstood. I do not discount the value of intellectual labor, but no amount of it is any compensation for bodily labor which every one of us is born to give for the common good of all.” —Gandhi (Young India, October, 15, 1925) When Jhaver Patel was a young… read more