January 2 I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and nonviolence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could do. In doing so I have sometimes erred and learnt by my errors. Life and its problems have… read more
Tag Archives: gandhi
“Love of Humanity”- Daily Metta
January 1 My life is an indivisible whole and all my activities run into one another; and they all have their rise in my insatiable love of humanity. -Gandhi (Young India October 15, 1925) What might Gandhi’s impact have been if instead of professing that all of his activities were rooted in his “love of… read more
Sitting with Luna
Today is the 15 year anniversary of the end of Julia Butterfly Hill’s nonviolent campaign to protect the Redwood trees of Humboldt County California from extensive logging. The town of Stafford in Humboldt California was a primary lumber producing town in northern California from 1885 to 1985. In 1996, Pacific Lumber Company (PLC) initiated a… read more
Traveling into the Heart of Gandhi’s Work

While connecting with friends and supporters on Facebook earlier today, we noticed the following post by Benjamin Brown, who participated in portions of our Certificate in Nonviolence Studies and is currently in Mumbai, India. We found his post so touching that we asked his permission to share his words. We quote him directly. All photos… read more
Ferguson Statement- Shanti Sena Network
Response to Ferguson from the Shanti Sena Network: Whether or not you believe that Darren Wilson is guilty, no one can deny that trust in the American police force is really low. This trust is especially low in communities of color and low income communities. A list of demands from Ferguson protestors included: a plan… read more
The Great Debaters
By: Mercedes Mack “Who is the judge?” “The judge is God.” “Why is He God?” “Because He decides who wins or loses. Not my opponent.” “Who is your opponent?” “He does not exist.” “Why does he not exist?” “Because he is a mere dissenting voice of the truth I speak!” c. 2007, Directed by… read more
Turning Fear into Power
This article was originally posted on Wagingnonviolence.org on October 14, 2014. Linda Sartor standing on a Soviet tank outside of Kabul, Afghanistan. (WNV / Peggy Gish) Linda Sartor is not afraid to die. Dedicated to nonviolence, she spent 10 years after September 11, 2001 traveling to conflict zones throughout the world as an unarmed… read more
Revolution on Granite
By: Mercedes Mack In 1989, students in Kiev, Ukraine, had had enough of Soviet occupation and politics. Two student groups, the Student Brotherhood (March 1989) and later the Ukrainian Students Union (December 1989) formed a coalition against Soviet influence. Initially, student groups staged protests and strikes in response to concerns regarding higher education-abolish compulsory courses… read more
Not Just Umbrellas
The Umbrella Revolution By Mercedes Mack Some historical and strategic nonviolent context of what is now called the Umbrella Revolution-Hong Kong’s demand for democracy. Outside government headquarters, a protestor raised a sign reading “Occupy Central” Brief History of Democratization Demands in Hong Kong Protests in Hong Kong have been occurring on and off since… read more
PACS 164-c Session 6
Topic: The Unity in Diversity of Gandhi and King Resource: Names and concepts list Video: Audio: http://archives.mettacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/peace-and-conflict-studies-session-6.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS… read more