April 7: “I believe in the conversion of mankind, not its destruction.” –Gandhi (CWMG, Vol. XXV, p, 531) The prison system based on a retributive justice model is one of the most stark institutional examples of the need to change our vision of who we are as human beings. It destroys human dignity and self-respect,… read more
Tag Archives: restorative justice
Restorative Justice in Schools-A video
This video defines what restorative justice is, what it looks like in schools, and both students’ and teachers’ perspectives of restorative justice. When the principles or restorative justice are employed in a preventative manner across the school, we call these processes restorative practices. –Submitted by Joseph Gardella, Metta Center Strategic Advisory Council Member.… read more
As Heard on PPR: Albanian Blood Feuds
As mentioned by Michael Nagler in “Nonviolence in the News” section on January 23, 2015 episode of Peace Paradigm Radio (PPR), The Art of Nonviolence, Operazione Colomba (Operation Dove) is a project by the Pope John Paul XXIII community to promote nonviolence, peacekeeping, and peace-building in conflict zones. Currently, Operative Dove is operating in several… read more
“Understanding Crime”–Daily Metta
January 17 “No one commits crime for the fun of it.” –Gandhi (Harijan, 11-2-1947) In order to inflict violence on someone, we must first dehumanize them. For this reason, Gandhi maintained that words like “crime” and “criminal” should be erased from our vocabulary. These words help us write off the dignity of the human being… read more
The Practice of Peacemaking in Early Childhood

A Higher Education: The Practice of Peacemaking in Early Childhood-Brief Reflections. By Stephanie Van Hook A friend or spouse turns to you and says something unkind. How do you respond? Do you lash out with hurt and anger? Resentment? Or do you take a breath; perhaps even walk away for a moment, and return later… read more
Students United for Restorative Justice (Feb 21–Full Show)
All the nonviolence that’s not fit to print… Want to listen to us on iTunes? Subscribe to our iTunes Podcast here! *********************************************************************************** Full Show Listen Here or click on the grey arrow below. [audio:http://archives.mettacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/PPR-Santa-Rosa-High-fullshow.mp3] Peace Paradigm Radio features a news segment on nonviolence in the news and this week’s is particularly interesting as our news anchor, Michael… read more
Nonviolence Currents: “Students push to limit school police after Newtown”
Nonviolence Currents – Bridging Nonviolence and Current Events in the Classroom A service of the Metta Center for Nonviolence LESSON PLAN #4 Waging Nonviolence Article: Students push to limit school police after Newtown Themes: Restorative justice, state politics, school safety Target age group: Ages 14 & up Subject areas: Language Arts, Social Studies, Government Pre-reading… read more
Peace Teams & Restorative Justice
Mary Hanna, drawing from Eli McCarthy’s short intro to restorative justice, gives some ways that a peace team might use or find RJ handy. Please use the comment box below to ask questions or discuss this point.… read more
Restorative Justice for peace teams
Eli McCarthy from DC Peace Team describes the basics of restorative justice for peace team members. Please use the comment box below to ask questions or discuss this point.… read more
The Power of Restorative Justice and Reconciliation to Maintain Peace
Kari Risher, Metta Center Fellow An article was published on September 27, 2012 in Science by anthropologist Polly Wiessner from The University of Utah that examines the effectiveness of the intervention of small-scale tribal village courts in conflict to prevent war among the Enga tribal people of Papua New Guinea. The study’s findings are dramatic.… read more