Here is Michael Nagler addressing the Heartfulness Center in Freemont, CA about the relationship between nonviolence and meditation and how, when these powers are harnessed, they can create a positive force for personal and global transformation. Every one of us can participate in this great shift. Please enjoy his talk below, share it on social… read more
Farsi Resource Videos
مرکز صلح مِتا (Metta Center for Nonviolence) با مدیریت پروفسور مایکل ناگلر فعالیت خود را در سال 1982 در امریکا آغاز کرده است. این مرکز همواره از پیشگامان عرصه صلح در برگزاری نشست ها، کارگاهها و دوره های مرتبط با عدم خشونت، صلح درون و تغییرات اجتماعی و فرهنگی بوده است. از جمله فعالیت های… read more
Toward a way of life: Daily Metta Weekend Videos!
In our first Daily Metta video, Michael discusses the relationship between inner work and culture, two dimensions of the change that will lead to a nonviolent future. Find out why. In this next video, he explains how when we experience anger, we can direct its energy toward nonviolent action. Nonviolent states of mind have real… read more
The Power of Training: Daily Metta Weekend Videos!

In our first Daily Metta video, Michael Nagler tells a story from the life of David Hartsough and gives us insight into how nonviolence worked itself out in this situation. He then goes on to make the case for nonviolence as a way of life. Find out why. In this next video, he discusses the… read more
Nonviolent Dissent and Accompaniment
A Prerequisite to a World Beyond War: Nonviolent Dissent and Accompaniment In this talk recorded on September 27, 2014 in Petaluma, California, activist, author and peace journalist Kathy Kelly discusses the everyday realities of living with war and encourages us to use these stories to think more critically–and nonviolently– about security, safety and justice. … read more
Nonviolence and the New Story: Daring to Explore the World Within Webinar
This webinar features a presentation and conversation with Professor Michael Nagler on “Nonviolence and the New Story: Daring to Explore the World Within,” which was originally given as a TEDx talk in Fremont, CA. The 30-minute presentation is followed by Q&A with participants in the Metta Center Certificate in Nonviolence Studies program (total running time 1:03).… read more
Nonviolence and the New Paradigm
Michael Nagler speaks at the Sonoma State War and Peace Lecture Series in November, 2013. … read more
Lake Junaluska Peace Conference Talk
Watch as Michael Nagler, the President and Co-Founder of The Metta Center for Nonviolence, speaks at the Lake Junaluska Peace Conference about The Metta Center, the New Story, the roadmap, and future directions for the organization and nonviolence.… read more
“From Principles to Practice” – Constructive Programme
In the last video of The Metta Center’s “From Principles to Practice” video series, Professor Michael Nagler talks about Gandhi’s Constructive Programme theory. Feel free to share and discuss your opinions! We look forward to hearing from you!… read more
“From Principles to Practice” – Satyagraha
In the fourth video of our “From Principles to Practice” series, the concept of Satyagraha is explained by Professor Michael Nagler. As always, please feel free to comment and discuss your opinion!… read more